Stanislaw Lem Wiki

Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 1 January 2020


New Year started today.

Wiki got some brush-up.

1 Interview brushed up. Wish Grammarly and Fandom would play along nicer together. Then realised there is so much plagiarised content in articles. Using a plagiarism checker to, one by one, make all articles unique.

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 4 October 2014

03. October - Day of German Unity and Eid Mubarik

In my home country Germany there was a holiday yesterday.

In my current residing country Maldives there is now the Eid Season.

So Eid Mubarik and Wir sind das Volk.

At the moment the number of daily visitors hovers around 100, I really like to keep that number up. I always used to joke that when I had more than 100 over a considerable amount of time I would have to register as a media in Russia, but apparently that was now raised to 3000.

At any rate the Stanislaw Lem WIkia is not a political site. Its merely a collection of the intellectual works of this man, Stanislaw Lem. Where it brushes any current issues, it is due to the facts of logical deduction, which might expose weaknesses in the current systems. That cant be avoided, as all culture i…

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 29 September 2014

29.09.2014 Update

Currently I'm doing updates for the stub articles by repeatedly pushing the random button. Then I insert the proper categories for Objects, People and so on.

Additionally, I upload any missing cover pictures I find and also try to add descriptions to each cover picture.

I would really like to workover the articles concerning papyralysis, as the text snippets I used need to be paraphrased to be used in the Wiki.

SInce I like the style of the Dwarf Fortress Community Updates, I decided a few more regular updates in here couldnt hurt. This is, after all, my favourite project in the entire planet Earth.

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 25 September 2014

1 year Stanislaw Lem Wiki

It's a bit hard to believe that it has already been one year since I created this wiki.

I've would have never thought that it would grow that big. But here it is. We dropped a bit in relevance due to me copying wikipedia articles for the skeleton articles for countries and topics. But our barebones for the characters and the like still stand. based on that we can built. 

Unfortunately, the article I was looking for, with Lem rummaging about humans degrading the environment, has still not surfaced. I also have only been able to translate one article from the telepolis series. Maybe I can do more soon.

I will try a different approach there, instead of translating it inside the visual window I will use a notepad and later try to restore the form…

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 25 April 2014

6 Months at work

Wow, this has been that long since I opened this wiki?

I have started editing the lists of complete books, then I found articles from Lem to translate and put into here (from Telepolis, will still have to ask them for permission - at least my work has been saved before).

Then I thought that for a complete list of his books I'd rather use the official wiki. And there I found and used the lists. Hope these guys let me go ahead with my work too.

So currently I import all the templates from Lemopedia, though some obviously havent been used, any of the three volunteers working there would potentially be able to work here too. And its gotta find someone to start helping out, after all that time, before in Ukraine they launch the nukes Stanislaw Lem…

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 27 October 2013

1 month 2 days at work (Tomorrow I sent a technician with a defect scope)

Hello everybody in Lemopedia-Hinterland,

how are you today? I found myself pretty stressed out when I visited, to find out from the last interview given by Lem, in which he declared that all our tinkle tiny toys will be but rattles in front of the shadow of a thunderstorm cloud.

I really mean it, he, after being dead for almost ten years, is drowning under in the sea of noise that people call information. There is a informationswar going on in here.

And you know what the best part is? We don't need to worry at all.

Cause its not really the enemy that has been found. And the enemy is not even us.

It is merely this, that the last keepers of Kap-Eh-Taahl have already found the Anti-Building.

It is us, "Haec locus, ubi Troia fuit! ... …

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 15 October 2013

21 days at work (minor setback in badge earning)

So here I am wondering why another wiki founder had only one batch for 1 week on the wiki, since I was in day 11 or 12 in mine for getting two weeks. turns out its reset. now i have to wait another 24 x 14 (with 1 edit at least every 24 h) and thats a lot of drag. Now I understand why this is hard.

Sternenfisch (talk) 05:33, October 15, 2013 (UTC)

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 4 October 2013

9,5 days at work

Somehow I'm stuck working out the details from Fiasco. But then again, it serves me well, to start with such a lovely, yet albeit depressing, novel. The categories are a great tool. I earn lots of award badges, and all I have to do is to determine what type of object I describe, and in which Book it is written. Quite easy...

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 4 October 2013

9 Days at Work

Yesterday night I was wondering whether I would be able to keep my badges and awards when backing up the wiki.

In that event, probably not. But suppose, I took a backup of a wiki, and it got taken down for using media or something, and I had somehow had the chance to back it up. Would I be allowed to put it up again, if only to retrieve the things I liked in it? How much is that process of exporting streamlined in Wikia? Do the exports work in other mediawikis?

So far all tools activated in WikiLabs work fine, except for starting a talk (all by myself), the interface is kinda jumbled, with me not being able to post a single talk.

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Sternenfisch Sternenfisch 3 October 2013

8 Days at Work

Normally, I do things rather sluggishly. Start, then lay off soon after, or just right before the end. Mostly, I'm simply tired. But this little post, I write it to earn myself a badge. I like badges. I like Geschenke. I like this wiki...

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